Keep Your Ears and Minds Open Thursday

Started by Buzz, April 02, 2013, 01:59:22 AM

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A lot of us, including myself, have done our share of playing Monday Morning Quarterback regarding the strike and and the events of the  ensuing weeks. Many have been critical of the union and have done a fair share of second-guessing decisions made and strategies followed. I guess we are entitled to this to a certain extent in view of our jobs, livelihoods, financial security and futures being at stake.

I had the privilege of having a fairly lengthy phone conversation with our president this afternoon, with our VP also within earshot. (It was kind of like a private telephone town hall meeting ... LOL) Michael was cordial and unpretentious and remarkably understanding and responsive to questions and criticism. (Yeah ... I had a couple of those!)

Too many topics were covered for me to even attempt to relay them here. I could not quote him word-for-word and would not want to chance misquoting Michael or inadvertently distorting anything he said. I don't want to risk being inaccurate or misleading, in fairness to all of you as well as Michael. I can tell you that Michael was very forthcoming with explanations as to why this or that was done, and why such and so wasn't.  Everything we talked about, including plans for moving forward, will be addressed in Thursday's meeting, as will your questions.

Michael realizes that a lot of people are angry at him (perhaps unfairly so, I suggest) and confessed that this is the most difficult time of his life. Yet he remains optimistic that satisfactory results are attainable, and he is determined to persevere. He is not giving up on us, and we cannot give up on him. However, he CANNOT do it alone. He is only one person. He needs the support of each and every one of us and for us to be single-minded in purpose.

In a union of over 8000 people, there are bound to be almost as many opinions as to what should be done about this, that or the the other thing. There's nothing wrong with people having their own opinions, but there has to be commonality in objectives and unity in action if we're to come out of our predicament intact.

I think we need to enter Thursday's meeting not with scorn or contempt, but with a willingness to listen, ask, learn and reach a unified consensus, then back our leaders and EACH OTHER to the hilt. We put our leaders where they are, and we need them now more than ever to do the the jobs we elected them for. Whether we agree with everything or everybody or not, we must move together organized and in one direction from this point on. To do anything else would be suicide.   

I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.


I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.



I agree with you 1000%! We have to stand Strong and Together. United We WIN, Divide We LOSE!
You already seen what they want to Give us and Not Give us! Just think what they (the contractors) would do in the future, if they Win with this Bullshit Take Back contract!!!! Let's show them (contractors) that they Can't win because We Are UNITED! This is a Make it or Break it time. They really know it's ILLEGAL to do what they are trying to do. It's a Big Scare Tactic to seperate Us while we are hurting. It's a good gamble for them, think about it. If you were a greedy, heartless boss it's a good move for them. Now Stand Behind Our President and Board of ATU1181 and Give Them the POWER to Overcome these Contractor's Daydreams that We are Weak!!!!!! We put OUR PRESIDENT there to do a job, let's give HIM the Power to DO IT!!!!!  :yes:

Thank You Michael for taking the time from your busy schedule to contact Buzz.  :thumbup:


I feel with the different drivers I speak with in various ages and stages of life at Pioneer will back Cordiello and the slate for one reason. They need to win this EPP/ battle with the contractors. This is the do or die moment,our lives hang in the balance. If they can win this,they not only will save us and the day,they  ( should win the next election,though I thought obama was toast in '12 so dont go by me)should take the election and cement there legacy all in one shot. I will of course listen and back the union and delegates unconditionally. I do feel '08 taught us as a whole and a  very expensive lesson,change can happen,though it isnt always good. I hope with the heat on with the latest attack from the contractors this is the straw they handed the union to break there backs. It is however a chance erase any fence sitters and doubters from the strike till now.  The oppurtunity is there I hope for the best  and fight this 100% united!
Years of inaction and corruption has paved the way for the Devil to ride in and take what he pleases.

Rock Steady

I know we have to stand strong and remain "Rock Steady" during this difficult time, but it sounds to me that you Buzz may have some insight as to what MC might talk about Thursday night.



Quote from: Rock Steady on April 03, 2013, 02:02:05 AM
I know we have to stand strong and remain "Rock Steady" during this difficult time, but it sounds to me that you Buzz may have some insight as to what MC might talk about Thursday night.

Well, it's not as if there are any secrets, nor anything earth-shattering or new under the sun, and certainly nothing that won't be public knowledge after Thursday night, if it isn't to some extent already. I hesitate to be specific only because, as stated before, it would be too easy to be inaccurate or tainted with inferences on my part that may not be what Michael intended.

In general terms, he will probably address circumstances surrounding the strike, work that has been ongoing since the strike to bring about some form of the EPP, awaiting the decision from the NLRB and strategy going forward based on that decision. Most likely there will be some things that were not even touched on during our conversation.   So there's no suspense, really, just hearing from the horse's mouth what's on the horizon.
I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.




Quote from: faceit on April 03, 2013, 02:14:07 PM

i think we going to need ky jelly this time..


Wow, you guys are ruthless. Besides, what's to worry? Everybody there will have already been dry-humped by their employers.

I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.


well the way i see  1181 baked the cake with the letter 1181 printed and gave us a few days before the contractors iced the cake a few days later with their letter   :wink1: :wink1:


Quote from: yabba on April 04, 2013, 10:14:35 AM
well the way i see  1181 baked the cake with the letter 1181 printed and gave us a few days before the contractors iced the cake a few days later with their letter   :wink1: :wink1:

Well ... how about they had advanced knowledge that the contractors' letter was coming out and forewarned us? I don't believe there was any collusion between the two ... the union's fight to have it nullified would defy that logic.
I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.


Quote from: Buzz on April 04, 2013, 11:46:28 AM
Quote from: yabba on April 04, 2013, 10:14:35 AM
well the way i see  1181 baked the cake with the letter 1181 printed and gave us a few days before the contractors iced the cake a few days later with their letter   :wink1: :wink1:

Well ... how about they had advanced knowledge that the contractors' letter was coming out and forewarned us? I don't believe there was any collusion between the two ... the union's fight to have it nullified would defy that logic.

i understand your point buzz,but my point is 1181 gave me facts that the contractors are loosing money and cant afford our wages anymore...and also told us not to believe any rumors till the official word comes from 1181,well the contractors proved the rumors to be true before 1181 ..i dont blame ernie cause he just tells us what he is told,but as far as the executive board i lost all respect for them when they gave us that letter after we lost 6000.00 to boot.....maybe im understanding it all wrong but thats the way i the big shame of it all is that we are the ones trying to survive in new york with our little salaries...we dont make almost as much as the president of the united states... :wink1: