Expect a Call - Training and Dry Runs

Started by Buzz, September 10, 2020, 03:54:16 PM

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As just explained to me by Ernie, Pioneer will begin calling people today as to what time to come on Monday for a short COVID training video. He expects that classes will continue throughout the day so that everyone will see the video, fill out paperwork required by OPT and be handed 2 copies of their run on Monday. Special ed will be first, with classes starting at 7 a.m. This will be done in the Arthur Kill yard.

We will then do a complete dry run on Monday as well, with documentation, and return on Tuesday for another dry run.

I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.


2 days pay,  how will we work that out with unemployment?


Not sure we will be getting paid. I am not sure we ever got paid for our refresher in the summer. Not sure we are going to get paid now.


The paid dry run started last summer, remember? Now they want us to do two, one Monday one Tuesday. Dry runs were never required in the almost 40 years I've been doing this, getting paid started last summer.


Quote from: OMG on September 10, 2020, 04:15:51 PM
The paid dry run started last summer, remember? Now they want us to do two, one Monday one Tuesday. Dry runs were never required in the almost 40 years I've been doing this, getting paid started last summer.

Dry runs never required? This is only my 27th year but I remember them for ever ... not necessarily with the scrutiny they're given now.
I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.


I'd assume IF we were to get paid for the dry runs/COVID class that it would be included in the following week's pay (the 1st week of school) and it wouldn't affect our unemployment. That's just my opinion obviously we have to wait for Ernie.


Keep your powder dry, guys. Expecting details on pay, unemployment or whatever later today. Let you know as soon as I hear. This will work out to our benefit. In the meanwhile, don't speculate or jump to conclusions.
I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.


Buzz, they were always requested but we were told you're not getting paid for it so do it if you want and for your own good. But now they're telling you to get in your bus to do them,


Quote from: Buzz on September 10, 2020, 04:21:36 PM

Keep your powder dry, guys. Expecting details on pay, unemployment or whatever later today. Let you know as soon as I hear. This will work out to our benefit. In the meanwhile, don't speculate or jump to conclusions.

Last year I remember we got 4 hours pay for both dry runs and that didn't show up until our first check a week or two after so it didn't interfere with our unemployment.


Does anyone officially know that when we go back....is it under our new pay scale from the raise we got in July. Technically we still had a contract with the company. I think I was
Told yes but wanted to double check and ask if anyone knows


Wig Wag you have it right,that's the way it went down last year.


anyone get a call yet, for training & dry runs?


Quote from: Eucerin on September 10, 2020, 05:54:56 PM
anyone get a call yet, for training & dry runs?

Nope. I'm here a year so I'm expecting it tomorrow lol


   No Call from Pioneer yet. Anyone else?