Unofficial: Cordiello Slate Wins Big

Started by Buzz, December 13, 2016, 07:30:06 PM

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Proud member I  can clearly see where you are coming from but I have to agree with both Buzz and Just Right.Respect earns respect and if you want to trash talk you better expect trash back in return.The other slates wrote the check and our brothers cashed it.Touche'..Maybe some of these crybabies can learn something from this.Im sure when The EPP and other things start to go our way they  won't no problem accepting it.We're on the same team,we don't need to be protecting the winners."IN UNION THERE IS STREGNTH💪💪"


Quote from: yabba on December 14, 2016, 04:59:37 PM
well said proud member.... :thumbup: :thumbup:   at least we will get the EPP now and everything we lost back in the next contract plus 3% a year raises... and no more abuse for drivers from managment .. ..
Who said we're getting the EPP back and 3% a year raises?  I don't know where you got this information, please elaborate.


Quote from: PROUD MEMBER on December 14, 2016, 07:21:18 PM
Apparently the difference between you, Buzz, others (regardless of what slate) and me is I really believe in the meaning of the word "Union." Unlike you, Buzz and others I read the by-laws and I obide by them. Including the part that if I recall is probably on the first page. It's about respecting fellow Members and all people in general!

That would be fine if everybody operated by the same credo, but that is not the case. This conversation started with you saying, "Can't we as Brothers & Sisters just accept the results no matter who you voted for instead of the stupidity!" Did they "just accept" the results of last election? No, they look for every way possible to delegitimize the results (just like the dems are doing now). And, by the way, they do NOT respect the opinion of others.

Who are they going to go crying to now? Can't go to the labor board ... they ran the election. Maybe they can get the CIA to open an investigation into whether the Russians tried to influence the vote.  :rotfl:

Nonetheless, I do admire your "can't we all just get along" point of view.
I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.


Quote from: hognol on December 14, 2016, 11:11:40 PM
Quote from: yabba on December 14, 2016, 04:59:37 PM
well said proud member.... :thumbup: :thumbup:   at least we will get the EPP now and everything we lost back in the next contract plus 3% a year raises... and no more abuse for drivers from managment .. ..
Who said we're getting the EPP back and 3% a year raises?  I don't know where you got this information, please elaborate.

Pretty sure yabba was being sarcastic.
I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.


Quote from: yabba on December 14, 2016, 04:59:37 PM
well said proud member.... :thumbup: :thumbup:   at least we will get the EPP now and everything we lost back in the next contract plus 3% a year raises... and no more abuse for drivers from managment .. ..

Do you really believe the other slates were going to get back everything we lost? Aren't we getting a 5% raise? (And I do think we will get the EPP back ... and that's ALL Michael's doing.)
I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.


You insist on putting words in my mouth.
I did not say anything about what ANY slate promised, said or didn't say or how they were gonna do things.
For the last time ... My point is WE (meaning EVERY MEMBER) should respect each other.
And FYI I personally spoke with Michael, Tommy, Vinny and a handful of delegates from each of their respective slates and Michael ALONE was the only one that didn't trash talk any one and he is the one who had the most to lose. His words to me just reaffirms my position on respecting ALL Members!
I believe that 100%. Michael is our President again and I happy with that and I stand by him 100%. What I'm not happy with is the constant trash talking from all sides. Well guess what, the election is a thing of the past and so should be the trash talking. If we can't STAND UNITED they we will definitely fall!!!


Quote from: PROUD MEMBER on December 15, 2016, 01:24:42 AM
You insist on putting words in my mouth.
I did not say anything about what ANY slate promised, said or didn't say or how they were gonna do things.

That post was directed at yabba and his sarcasm towards you. It was not intended for you.

Quote from: PROUD MEMBER on December 15, 2016, 01:24:42 AM
What I'm not happy with is the constant trash talking from all sides. Well guess what, the election is a thing of the past and so should be the trash talking. If we can't STAND UNITED they we will definitely fall!!!

I can absolutely guarantee that they will continue to trash the union right up until the next election. To respect others' opinions is one thing. But their lies should NOT be respected.
I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.


Sorry Buzz
This will probably be my last post or comment on this subject or any subject for a while. For a few reasons. One of which is that unfortunately comments on any of these sites for the most part only stir up conflict which is the last thing I want. But I will leave you with one last thought and one last question. As I said I'm behind Michael 100% but if Tommy had won then I'd be behind him 100%. What about you? Thanks for this site and thanks for your opinions. From now on until the next election I'll voice my opinion and questions to Michael at the monthly meetings. I'll see you there. I'll wait for your response. Have a good night.


No, I'm pretty sure I would not have been behind Tommy 100%, just as he and his crew certainly won't be behind Michael (and will continue to try to undermine him at every turn). But again, I do admire your outlook and sincerity.
I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.