From Andy Cappa

Started by Buzz, October 20, 2016, 01:06:21 AM

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The following is being posted for Andy (in response to claims/statements made by another driver):

This is in response to the Cianci case. And a few other items.And not a platform for a pissing match with anyone.
I don't care how many months anyone says they tried to get his job back, it was up to the decision of the courts ONLY. There were discrepancies in the reports. And that is how this all started. This became a personal case with Mike Cianci and the board. Which is called an Article 78. Mike and his wife were in constant contact with our 1181 official James Hedge. The Union was on top of this at all times. At the time John spoke to Ernie we had called and there was no conclusion to this case. And that is probably why Ernie told you this was not going to happen at that time .And then we received a call from Mr Hedge stating that Mike was returning .We then contacted Mike. Now After the conclusion of the courts he then had to re qualify, which myself and Ernie helped him to complete his testing. I don't want this to turn dirty and air out anyone's dirty laundry. Mike came back to work after being helped. And he knows how much effort Ernie and I put into his return. If anyone needs the complete details. Go to him I am sure he won't mind telling the truth and you'll get the answers you need. Now here is a question. If you want to claim you were the one who did all there was to get his job back I ask you this. Where was he last night? Should he not have been there supporting you last night?

As for last night's meeting it was a complete embarrassment .I was embarrassed for you and everyone who stood up. It appeared from people watching it, it was as though people didn't know they were being nominated. As far as qualifications it would be nice for each intending person who wants to run at least tell everyone the education and background you hold to take certain position on a slate.. Do they have any substantial background in holding a certain office? Since we can't go by their experience of only driving a bus.

Getting back to the issue of wrong doing of 1181.We still have not been given any proof of any. We need to see subpoena numbers or docket numbers. Show us more than what you speak of. Just show us something more. Not here say. Also show us a letter of wrong doing from the DOL. We want black and white on paper.Cordiello Slate was not FORCED to have a new election. The only reason was to save the members money from continuing legal fees. About lies and fabrication coming from the Salerno slate.

If the Salerno or Catalano slaters intend to run our union in the manner of what we all witnessed last night, they better think twice. It looked like a grammar school fire drill. There was no plan no lay out.

Also understand no one forced anyone to take this contract it was the opinion and judgment of all members.
And once again we need clear facts. Here you say we work federal holiday and only receive 4 hours pay. No you are receiving 12 hours a day. Not 4.
What did you expect when we went into negotiations? Ernie went to 21 sessions with both companies. And you in past practice claim to have been a delegate in the police dept,then you should know that it is common practice to take away numerous items and give back. It is the way of negotiations. And you also know in police negations they always bury the unborn. Any hired after 4-1-13 is not entitled to holidays. Anyone with more than 5 years on the job receives 19 paid holidays. So we are not entitled to sick time Yes we did take a hit we are not saying we didn't, but it was the choice of the members. Also read your contract it is. And please also stop telling people we pay for our sick time. That is not true, it was put in as a suggestion for people who could not afford to take off and lose the day in their weekly paycheck. So they could revert to their vacation pay without losing that pay day in the week they took off.(If that was not included in the contract the person would lose the day and not get a full week)

Next: you claim that everyone should have the same contract. I guess you didn't read the contract thoroughly .At the end of this contract everyone is on the same page with the same contract. Please let people know that. Not what you are saying.

In conclusion I just want to remind everyone that when we started going into contracts .The great Mayor Bloomberg put out the 2013 and 2014 bids which crushed our industry. And put almost 4000 people out of work .If not for Michael Cordiello and his connections which are golden with Mayor DeBlasio we would all be in the same position as the 4000 we lost. We would no longer have a job. Anyone who reads this post now knows these are facts not rumors.

I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.


My question would be, what power, authority or standing does ANY driver have with the DOE or courts to "save" any driver's job?
I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.

John Eadicicco

I was told by Ernie that Mike was NOT coming back to Pioneer BECAUSE there was a lawsuit filed by the parents of the injured child! Not True!